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Covid Policy and advice from Yskynna for practice, training and safe work for one and all.


​2020 and 2021 have proven a challenging timed one we have responded to creatively with forward thinking to keep us safe and proactive .

With the current climate in flux and ever changing we aim to do the following in line with uk gov policy for employees and alongside other international vertical dance companies.

hands/face/space we follow the uk gov guidelines

we actively work within guidelines and keep safe practice across all forums of our work, indoors and outdoors.

we clean/disinfect and quarantine our equipment between uses

we ask for individual and collective responsibility from one and all

we work with a bubble and follow mindful interactions when working together

we respect the individuals perspective and opinion and share all knowledge for self and others at all times

we follow the following document for our workshops and training practice together.

we provide ongoing and updated risk assessments and safe work practice on all our current and future work.

we have current PL and el insurance to cover our team and our public.

covid-19 Policy

Safety First - Working Together Agreement and Assumption of Risk 

We are very excited to welcome you to Yskynna Vertical dance. We have been working hard to make your experience as safe as possible. The measures we are taking are found in our Yskynna website which will be updated regularly in line with the latest guidance. 
But the nature of this virus is that everyone must work together and as such, every time you come to our training sessions, you agree to the following. 

1. I have not shown symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days such as: Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fever, Chills, Repeated shaking with chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat, New loss of taste or smell.
2. I have not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or shown any of the above symptoms in the past 14 days. 
3. I have worn a protective mask when in public situations where social distancing is not consistently possible. 
4. I understand that I could be a carrier of COVID-19 and be asymptomatic. 
5. I understand that I could contract COVID-19 from an asymptomatic person at our facility or a contaminated surface. 
6. I am fully aware of the Yskynna safety procedures (these are displayed on the Yskynna website) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and will follow these procedures. 
7. I agree to inform Yskynna immediately if I, or anyone I am living with have developed symptoms associated with COVID-19 within a 2 week period of being in the studio, or if I have learned that I have been in direct contact with someone who has later tested positive for COVID-19 within the same 2 week period. 
8. I understand that if I wilfully and intentionally violate the stated hygiene rules in our facility, Yskynna has the right to suspend me without a refund. 
9. I agree to inform Yskynna immediately if I learn that any of the above information changes or I obtain new information. 

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